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Articles tagged as "Allan Gray Australia Equity Fund"

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Something’s got to give...

By Simon Mawhinney on 09 Dec 2016

Reading time: 4 mins

Recently companies in Australia that have grown their earnings and paid large dividends have been well rewarded. But is this sustainable?

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Valuation dispersion and opportunities to beat the market in Australia

By Julian Morrison and Werner du Preez on 30 Sep 2015

Reading time: 9 mins

Cyclicality and dispersion in valuations can create great opportunities to buy shares at very attractive prices in companies that are out of favour with the...

Insights categories - Investment insights

Avoiding the overwhelming bias for action

By Dr Suhas Nayak on 30 Jul 2015

Reading time: 8 mins

In life, we have a natural bias for action. From a young age, we are told stories about heroes who overcame great odds and many setbacks to do something grea...

Insights categories - Investment insights

Avoiding the overwhelming bias for action

By Dr Suhas Nayak on 30 Jul 2015

Reading time: 8 mins

In life, we have a natural bias for action. From a young age, we are told stories about heroes who overcame great odds and many setbacks to do something grea...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

The same contrarian approach from Cape Town to Canberra

By JD de Lange and LJ Collyer on 30 Sep 2014

Reading time: 7 mins

Being 'contrarian' is about culture and about behaviour, and the outcome is reflected in portfolios that are different from the market. LJ Collyer and JD de...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Equity opportunities down under

By JD de Lange and LJ Collyer on 30 Jun 2013

Reading time: 8 mins

Last quarter, Seema Dala wrote about the importance of diversifying your portfolios by investing offshore. Australia is definitely offshore from South Africa...


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